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Need Help with Microbe-Based Fertilizers?



(903) 286 – 3034



PO Box 200
Brownsboro, TX 75756

“I applied the Bio-Sure Grow to dry land cotton at 1 gallon per acre with first spraying of dicamba. This place usually yields 800 lbs. but I got 1326 lbs. that year.”

Tell, Texas

“We were very surprised to see how well it worked with the herbicide! We didn’t have any issues with reducing the full rate of herbicide by 50%. Some places we cut the rate to 1/3 rate and had pretty good luck as well.”

O’Fallon, Missouri

“I started using Bio-Sure Grow on my alfalfa crop, my RFV went from 190 to 222. Also my production went from 1800 lbs. per acre to 3200 lbs. per acre.”

Crowell, Texas

“We noticed a huge increase in the animal’s desire to get up, eat and drink after being drenched with Natures Formula Feel Rite Drench. We also really like the fact that it is very low stress application.”

New Mexico

“We use the Lung Score in our operation and it has cut down on the number of retreats and most of them drop a whole lung score when listened to with a stethoscope.”
